Stories by Jonathan Mitchell
Consumer confidence up this month - survey
Consumers are playing a happier tune with confidence levels in October rising to a four-month high.
Working prisons plan 'ambitious'
The plan to turn 16 prisons into working prisons by 2017 is being labelled ambitious and some question whether it can be done with current resources. Video, Audio
Soldiers struggle for recovery in WWI
Photos depicting soldiers who were left with physical disabilities as a result of combat operations during the World War I are on display at Te Papa in Wellington.
Regions leading economy, says Joyce
Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says rather than being in the doldrums, the regions are leading New Zealand's economic recovery. Audio
Govt 'under pressure' over quake land
The Crown was under pressure to give Christchurch residents timely decisions about quake-damaged land in 2011, the Supreme Court has been told.
Quake Outcasts 'left in limbo'
New Zealand's highest court has been told uninsured residents in earthquake-hit Christchurch were left in limbo while waiting to hear what kind of offer they might receive for their damaged land.
No-shows erode nation's jury pool
Tens of thousands of people are failing to turn up for jury duty, without being excused or seeking to defer it.
Legal aid debt keeps climbing
Tens of thousands of New Zealanders are being charged 8 percent interest on outstanding legal aid debt, which is at $109 million.
Crime watch talks as PM eyes election
The Prime Minister says elections are fought on a small number of key things - including law and order - and he says people have a right to feel safe in their community.
Sweeping change to Family Court
The biggest change to the Family Court since it was established 33 years ago takes effect from Monday and its caseload is expected to reduce significantly. Audio
Wait times at courts drop
The Courts Minister says the district and family courts are getting faster at hearing cases but there is scepticism at how long this will last. Audio