Stories by Katie Parker
The Singles Life: We’ve found New Zealand’s Calvin Harris
We push the buttons on the new song from producer Ryan Enzed, New Zealand’s answer to Calvin Harris.
The Singles Life: Bow down to Parris Goebel
Everyone knows Parris Goebel for being our very own superstar choreographer, but did you know she’s got a burgeoning music career in the works?
Who the hell is Graham Candy?
If his record label is to be believed, Graham Candy is about to become NZ's next big export. Hussein Moses and Katie Parker attempt to figure out the appeal.
The Singles Life: Video killed the reality TV star
Welcome to The Singles Life, where we peruse, ponder and pontificate on the latest and (maybe) greatest in New Zealand music.
We need to talk about how bad Suicide Squad is
Yes, it’s as hideously incoherent as you’ve heard.
A sight for sore eyes: why watching the Olympics is a win for women
The Olympics are a radical season of sport watching, which gives our rugby-obsessed little country other things to think about for a change, writes Katie Parker.
Paterson and the fine line between innocence and naivety
White guy character studies are dime a dozen, but NZIFF entry Paterson manages to avoid a bevy of the classic pitfalls.
Personal Shopper doesn't deserve your applause
NZIFF's Personal Shopper has all the hallmarks of a terrible film, writes Katie Parker.
In my father's (Australian) den
Antipodean angst and melancholy melodrama rule in the NZ International Film Festival’s Aussie drama The Daughter.
Monsters, actually
The NZ International Film Festival gets bleak and brutal with Green Room's realist take on the monster genre.
A NZIFF trailer breakdown
Concrete opinions based on the most tangible evidence we have: trailers.
What your sext is really saying
You know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing.
Review: Tickled
Tickled finds humour in the absurd, but its subjects truly shine once David Farrier steps aside.
Review: Death Cab For Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie deliver an unexpectedly fun and fast-paced Auckland show.
Review: The Hateful Eight
It might not be his best, but Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight feels like his darkest release so far.
Film review: Spectre
In Spectre, James Bond has an origin story fit for a marvel superhero. Unfortunately, it ends up feeling tacked on, unnecessary and cynical.
Film review: The Martian
Ridley Scott, on the back of a slew of disappointments, is rolling the dice once again with the release of space epic The Martian
The X Factor NZ: Top 10 moments
A new X Factor star has been born. Let's celebrate the long, painful labour that led us here.
The X Factor NZ: The end begins
As we bid adieu to Stevie Tonks, the collective national fantasy that is The X Factor NZ is almost at a close.
The X Factor NZ: Hold back the tears
Once more it's time to debrief, discuss and despair.
The X Factor NZ: Back to black
This week was yet another reminder that beneath a thin veneer of order, chaos still reigns at X Factor NZ.