Stories by Lois Williams
Cheaper radar units a game changer for Coast flood monitoring
New radar technology is making it easier - and cheaper - for hydrologists and Civil Defence to keep an eye on rivers around the West Coast and predict floods.
Ombudsman gives councils nudge over closed meetings
Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has reminded councils that workshops should be open to the public by default.
West Coast's combined district plan costs soar
The bill will end up costing rate payers $8.491 million.
West Coast Regional Council debt soars as big flood projects shape up
The West Coast Regional Council's core debt has risen to $24 million, as it embarks on the largest infrastructure programme in its history.
Council chair calls for apology over mayor's conflict of interest remarks
Helen Lash raised questions about Peter Haddock's family connection with one of the council's main contractors.
Council braces for new miners as gold price soars
As the price of gold soars to a record NZ$5000 an ounce, the West Coast is bracing for an influx of miners new to the industry - and its environmental rules.
Council appointment 'undemocratic', candidate says
The council this week appointed surveyor Chris Coll to fill the seat left vacant by the sudden death of Buller councillor Frank Dooley.
Coast council defends growth in staff numbers in heated meeting
The council employs the equivalent of about 92 full-time staff.
West Coast better prepped than ever before for the big one
The region has come a long way in the past couple of years, in terms of planning and resources for a major event.
Farmers hopeful for cattle river grazing renewals
But conservation groups have long opposed the practice of allowing cattle in the braided river valleys.
‘We’re stuffed’: Franz ratepayers’ anguish over flood walls deal
Franz Josef ratepayers have grudgingly agreed to a government finance deal for flood protection which they need but can ill-afford.
Horse rider pleads for support to keep them safe on roads
A nationwide campaign to have horse riders officially recognised as vulnerable road users has been offered some support.
Coast councils spent $500k on speed limit changes
The West Coast regional transport committee has been forced to withdraw its draft regional speed management plan, after Transport Minister Simeon Brown signed a new rule that overrides it.
West Coast Regional Council has 'no right' to exclude councillor from meetings
Allan Birchfield has been censured since last year but can still attend council meetings, LGNZ principle advisor says.
West Coast councillor denies grandstanding
The former West Coast Regional Council chair has made a point of trying to attend meetings he is banned from, claiming a right to be there as an elected councillor.
Harihari ratepayers nervous of new flood scheme costs
Ratepayers who pay for flood protection in the Harihari district are nervously awaiting a consultants' report on revamping the stopbank system.
Ratepayers carry the cost of defamation case against mayor
Buller District Mayor Jamie Cleine says ratepayers have paid out $20,000 for a defamation suit - but the true cost is much higher.
The West Coast's naughty list
Winter and a wetter-than-usual spring have kept West Coast regional council staff on their toes this year.
West Coast district plan costs soar
The document, meant to cover the the planning rules for Buller, Grey and Westland, has cost has cost the West Coast Regional Council $5.6 million since 2019.
Ditch the planner-speak, council told
Council planners are being told to speak in plain English when they communicate with the public.
Dump cleared but Mayor fears disaster
Grey District Mayor Tania Gibson says it is a disaster waiting to happen and should be closed.
West Coast’s worst kept secret: Don’t mention the ‘A’ word
The possibility of council amalgamation on the West Coast - otherwise known as local government reform - has surfaced publicly this week at council meeting.
Government's 'nice-to-have' rhetoric unfair to councils, mayor says
Jamie Cleine says government 'rhetoric' regarding council spending is stirring up feeling against councils.
Three mayors air Three Waters woes with Taumata Arowai boss
West Coast mayors are welcoming an apparent rethink on the way they deliver water services, but affordability is still the big issue.
'Throwing money away': Pensioner challenges 'horrendous' council rates
Liz Whiteside doesn't believe she should pay for things she has no use for - such as a floodwall.