Stories by Maia Hart
Double job MP's resignation from council may not stop by-election
The mayor says she understands the MP's bid to avoid a costly by-election but the decision is one for councillors.
MP to keep job as councillor - and two salaries
Jamie Arbuckle, a councillor who has become an member of parliament, says he has settled into having two roles so comfortably he's going to keep both pay cheques.
Wheelie bins aim to fix Marlborough’s recycling issues
Those tasked with Marlborough's wheelie bin roll-out say they are confident that recycling is no longer going to end up going to landfill.
The ‘treasure’ plant mistaken for algae in Marlborough Sounds
A seagrass still found in the region is in global decline and many don't know of its importance, a coastal scientist says.
Trees drilled, 'filled and capped' with poison in Blenheim park
The "visible decline" in the health of the plane trees meant it was clear a substance had been poured into the holes, a report to council said.
Future of Picton overbridge up in the air
A Picton overbridge being built to keep traffic flowing when larger ferries brought more vehicles into town might not ever be finished.
Sediment in Blenheim river up one metre in last 10 years
A metre's worth of sediment on average has built up in Blenheim's Taylor and Ōpaoa rivers over the past 10 years, prompting a plan to dredge them.
Marlborough stopbanks at ‘catastrophic’ risk of failure
Repairs are expected to cost $9m, but councillor says they are necessary due to the risk to human life.
Marlborough rates rise 12.65%, consultation coming on Sounds rebuild
Repairs to the Marlborough Sounds roading network are expected to cost ratepayers $106 million.
Police to enforce speed limits at urban schools under new plans
A raft of speed limit changes are on the cards for Marlborough's roading network, including permanent 40kph speeds outside schools.
More vacant shops as Blenheim’s CBD changes shape
Central Blenheim has become a place to socialise rather than shop, forcing retailers to close their doors.
Marlborough waterways dry up with no rain on horizon
Creeks in Marlborough that have "never dried out before" are empty, leaving questions about how long until the region needs tighter water restrictions.
Lasers and sprinklers: Council searches for seagull solution
Seagulls have started nesting behind sun screens on the side of Blenheim's new library and art gallery.
Macrons added to street signs in Marlborough
Three years after agreeing to put macrons on more than a dozen incorrect te reo Māori street signs in Marlborough, most of them have been fixed. It is pleasing progress,...
Why you might see more roadworks over summer
NZTA explains why longer days and warm temperatures are the "best time" for resurfacing roads.
Port chair questioned ferry project plan from start
A former Port Marlborough chairperson and councillor says it came as no surprise the government called time-out on the Cook Strait ferries.
Funding details released for fixing Marlborough Sounds roads
The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has signalled how much it will fund towards fixing and improving roads in the Marlborough Sounds.
Ferry project cancellation a ‘heavy blow’, says Waitohi Picton iwi
The government's decision to halt the Cook Strait ferry project is a "heavy blow", says a top of the south iwi chairperson.
'We're not too young to be affected': Rangatahi lead hīkoi in Blenheim
When protests were taking place across the country led by Te Pāti Māori, "Blenheim was a little bit shy".
Neighbours oppose solar farm on Blenheim’s rural floodplain
A small group of neighbours between Blenheim and the sea fear a solar farm planned for their quiet neighbourhood will turn it into an industrial-like zone.
'Sobering': Marlborough Sounds reach record-breaking sea temperatures
Persistent marine heatwaves in Cook Strait are thought to be behind the record-breaking sea temperatures.
MP wants law change to avoid post-election by-elections
A former council candidate in Marlborough thinks new MP Jamie Arbuckle should be able to resign from the council without a by-election.
New walking and cycling track to be built through Marlborough Sounds native bush
The Marlborough District Council approved the consent application, subject to 24 conditions.
Why a local council is X-raying trees
Deciding whether to chop a tree down has often been a fraught process at the Marlborough District Council, but new technology could change that.
Neighbour wants Kāinga Ora to help double glaze home if townhouses built
A Blenheim homeowner wants Kāinga Ora to help double glaze their house if they build a two-storey property beside them, claiming it will block the sun into their "already cold" home.