Stories by Phil Pennington
What if a council lost the paperwork for your house?
Homeowners near Wellington are reporting their local council losing the paperwork for their houses - and say it's costing them thousands. Video
Trucking boss says NZTA crackdown fuelled by a vendetta
Northland's biggest trucking operator has accused the Transport Agency of letting an employee wage a personal vendetta against him that's cost him millions of dollars.
Company fights police attempt to seize property over workplace death
A South Auckland oil recycling business has been able to keep trading despite facing unprecedented proceeds of crime charges.
Auckland Council 'strongly opposed' to govt's housing plans
The council is warning government officials of the risks of disastrous housing developments like some seen in the United Kingdom.
Govt department's $100m contractor pricetag
A major government department has failed to rein in its spending on contractors and consultants - with one spending almost $100m in one year.
Video: Purpose-built rig set on fire for wall cladding tests
In rural Porirua, Dr Kevin Frank is lighting a lot of fires. They're the first tests of cladding being run in NZ in response to the Grenfell Tower disaster in London. Video
Kāinga Ora rejects council criticism
The housing development agency has rejected council criticism that it left them in the dark and poached staff off them.
Workplace deaths: WorkSafe making amends for 'low quality data'
Government agency WorkSafe is promising to clamp down over "hidden" deaths that are fuelling the tally of workplace fatalities.
Kāinga Ora rubs up against councils in housing consents
Local councils are protesting that a new government agency is making the issuing of building consents more difficult.
New housing development authority accused of poaching council staff
Kāinga Ora, formerly Housing New Zealand, is attracting council building staff with higher salaries, industry sources say.
Research into work-related deaths involving vehicles overdue, say advocates
Government agency WorkSafe is beginning new research into why so many work-related fatalities involve vehicles.
Several core transport IT systems 'past end of life'
The Transport Agency needs millions of dollars to update old IT systems that provide crucial road safety information.
More questions over Auckland skyscraper project's building standards
Fresh doubt has been cast on the strength and durability of the huge concrete basement at Auckland's highest skyscraper project.
Combustable cladding legal case calls unsure building owners to join
Building owners worried they might have combustible cladding on their multi-storeys, but who have not been identified on any official list, are looking into taking legal action.
Actor's backing sought for class action over NZers' treatment in Australia
Russell Crowe is being challenged to help a rights campaigner who wants to fight the Australian government in court over its treatment of New Zealanders who make Australia their home. Video
Waitematā DHB seeks national guidance on patient consent
The health board responded to accusations of breaching patients rights in its women's health theatres, pointing out a lack of national guidance on informed consent.
Number of work-related deaths reported goes up
Figures combined for the first time show that many more people were killed than the public previously thought.
Struggling social work agency has to reject applicants over pay
An under-staffed social work agency has been turning away applicants because it can't afford to pay them enough.
Toxic foam: Defence force's $125k PR contractor spend
New Zealand's defence force spent $125k on a contractor to handle public relations around its foam contamination problems.
Bill to run the country's prisons increases
The cost to maintain facilities at most of the country's prisons has risen due to a 10-year half-a-billion dollar contract.
Lower Hutt mayor walks back on demands for investigation
The mayor of Lower Hutt has pulled back from his earlier demands for an investigation into plumbing at a retirement village that's still waiting for repairs to be approved, 18 months after warnings of…
Wellington sewerage spill: over-ground temporary pipe installed
Swimmers are at least two days away from being able to safely swim in Wellington harbour near the point where sewage flooded into it.
E-scooter speed limit of 10km/h being considered, say lobby groups
Lobby groups believe officials are looking at a 10km/h limit for e-scooters - but they want that at least halved, or no scooters on paths at all.
More fatal crashes involve vehicle fault - MTA
New figures show that in more and more fatal road crashes, something is found to be wrong with the vehicle.
Safety upgrade for court holding cells four years after death
The Justice Ministry has finally made its holding cells in courts safer for suicidal detainees, four years after a man killed himself in one.