Stories by Phil Pennington
Docs reveal lack of independent testing on highway steel
The lack of independent checking on steel for highways has come to light after a two-year fight to get information off the Transport Agency.
Middlemore Hospital on track to meet winter demand
Auckland's Middlemore Hospital says it is on track to cope with an expected winter rush though it won't open any new beds until July.
Building regulator has 22 vacancies despite overhaul
The country's main building regulator has a large number of vacancies, months after it was overhauled in an attempt to improve its poor performance.
Toxic foam: Lack of central govt help in investigation
The Ministry for the Environment may need to "bang some heads together" over firefighting foam contamination, Local Government New Zealand says.
Toxic foam: Defence Force fails to inform regional council
New Zealand Defence Force is blocking a regional council from getting vital information it needs to investigate toxic firefighting foam contamination in its water supply.
Two years on, another building standards review
A new review of building product quality controls has been launched two years after a previous one went nowhere. Video
Girl 'coached' by aunt to make sexual accusations against father
Social workers have changed their mind about whether a young girl is at risk living with her aunt, months after they rushed through a report saying she was not.
Middlemore failed to pursue millions in leaky building claim
Court papers show Middlemore Hospital failed to pursue millions of dollars in a leaky building claim against construction firm Hawkins.
Toxic foam: Govt widens contamination investigation
The government is expanding the investigation into water and soil contamination from chemicals commonly found in firefighting foam.
Toxic foam: Discrepancy in Defence Force reports
Documents about the nationwide firefighting foam contamination investigation show the Defence Force told the public one thing, but said something different in internal reports.
Engineer warns of lack of action over aluminium cladding
A leading engineer who ran an audit in New Zealand prompted by the Grenfell Tower fire is accusing ministry officials of failing to act over what he says are potentially unsafe building panels.
Quality of checks of Chinese steel in skyscraper questioned
A steel quality expert is questioning whether the rules are tight enough around thousands of tonnes of Chinese steel going into the country's tallest residential skyscraper.
NZ family in Australia struggle to survive: 'It's just not fair'
A broken leg and Australia's unfair treatment of New Zealand citizens has left a family of six living in Perth with only $100 to survive on.
Middlemore project process 'complete disgrace' - manager
Multiple rules were broken to get a new lecture theatre built, an investigation into Counties Manukau DHB has found.
Row over water contamination in US has NZ implications
A furore has erupted in the US over the Trump administration heading off a water contamination study that has implications for New Zealand.
Ministry has multiple claims against troubled building company
The Education Ministry has two other claims against a building company that is now caught up in a receivership.
Officials had warning over semi-trailers breaking apart
Extra checks on semi-trailer trucks are being brought in after years of warnings about faulty or broken skid plate connections.
Blood tests can reveal higher toxicity foam chemical - ministry
Blood testing is able to detect a firefighting foam chemical that is causing concern in Australia, the Ministry of Health says.
Firm behind leaky buildings goes into receivership
A company behind a big construction firm that was ordered to pay millions for building a leaking high school has gone into receivership.
Inquiry into whether Middlemore broke spending rules unlikely
South Auckland hospital bosses say there's no point looking into whether a second Middlemore Hospital building broke the strict rules around healthcare spending.
Middlemore: Board was pressured to settle for $3m
Newly released documents show the Counties Manukau District Health Board reluctantly settled for $3 million compensation for one of it worst leaky buildings.
Non-medical facility built at Middlemore without approval
Middlemore Hospital, which desperately needs wards and operating theatres, has in the past completed a multimillion-dollar non-medical building without government approvals.
Building systems WOFs: Council checks fall far short
Only 10 buildings in Porirua have been checked by the council for building safety systems compliance in three years, far short of the roughly 330 checks recommended.
Church abuse victims resigned to being left out of inquiry
The suggestion that churches run their own inquiry shows that not including them had been decided from the start, abuse survivors say.
Firefighting foam panel inconclusive on health effects
A panel of experts has issued advice saying there's no evidence the chemicals in firefighting foam affect people's health, but there is not enough evidence to rule it out either.