Stories by Tracy Neal
Practise makes perfect for top-flight musician
If you hear a tune behind the trees and shrubs near Nelson Airport, New Zealand brass musician Mike Ford might have something to do with it. Audio
Hare Krishna leader 'was excommunicated'
A less-than-Holy spat has erupted between the Christchurch Hare Krishna Centre and what it says is a "rogue group" operating in Motueka, near Nelson. Audio
Piano play all day in music marathon
A 24-hour 'piano theatre' fundraising concert involving more than 500 performers is taking place in Nelson.
Beneficiaries' rent should go direct to landlords - investor
A landlord who has provided low-cost rentals in Nelson for 50 years says the government has the tools available to ensure families remain in stable rental housing.
Marine farm renewals could cost millions
Renewals of more than 350 marine farm applications in the next eight years could cost millions of dollars, says the Marlborough District Council.
Nelson teacher plans adventure therapy programme
A Nelson teacher has won a grant to explore adventure therapy programmes in the United States for young people in New Zealand.
Living Wage gaining momentum in Nelson
Momentum is building in Nelson for a campaign to call employers to pay the Living Wage of just under $20 an hour.
Realities of regional living is more talent than jobs
Nelson City Council wants the government to relocate some of its services from Wellington to the regions.
Thousands have their say on Nelson road problems
Nelson's rush hour delays may be measured only in minutes - but the city's traffic problem is dividing residents.
Don't go after menacing dog breeds, owners say
Owners of dog breeds considered dangerous have held a public rally to support their pets in Nelson.
Nelson prepares for future tsunami threats
Evacuation maps have been prepared for the Tasman region in case a tsunami occurs.
War stories inspire speech winner
A Marlborough student's interpretation of one woman's war story was the winning ingredient in a national speech competition.
Budding young leaders tested in Nelson's outdoors
Nelson's Cable Bay has provided a window on the wonders of marine reserves for more than 50 aspiring young leaders.
Reflecting on the salt of the earth
It's the season of salt in Marlborough, with 60,000 tonnes being scraped from fields at Lake Grassmere. Audio
Grounded Originair set to take off again soon
Nelson commuter airline Originair, grounded amid safety concerns surrounding its operator, expects to be flying again soon.
Historic Nelson rail tunnel to open again for cyclists
The days of trains puffing up the line through the Spooners Tunnel near Nelson are long gone, but now the huffing and puffing of cyclists will take their place. Video
Bubble curtain effective for repelling invaders
Curtains of bubbles have been proven successful in preventing marine pests from gaining a foothold, a Nelson scientist says.
Tasman District may ban Wicked Campervans
Tasman District Council is investigating banning Wicked Campervans from its campgrounds because of its offensive slogans.
Waves of disgust as surfers share sea with 'sewage'
Nelson's surfing community is worried about the rising tide of apparently raw sewage near their surf break at Schnappers Point. Audio
Athletes begin 530km charity race
Richie McCaw and Sarah Fairmaid are in for a tough time, they say, as they join 300 athletes for a week-long endurance race.
Govt initially offered $1.4m for beach
An Awaroa beach property bought for the New Zealand public through a crowdfunding campaign was once the target of a $1.4 million government offer.
Council backs away from marina fee hike
The Nelson City Council has given owners of boats in the town's marina a reprieve after deciding to keep this year's increase at inflation levels.
Nelson Hospice searches for a new home
The Nelson Tasman Hospice is facing a critical time as it seeks a new site for it to move into by 2019.
'Relax and PEE' in emotional situations
Knowing your reptilian brain from your neocortex is critical for communicating in emotionally charged situations, a conflict management expert says.
Bored old water makes for exclusive brews
Water "up to 30,000 years old" has become a McCashin's signature ingredient for the Nelson brewery's beer, ciders and soft drinks. Water assessed by scientists as being up to 30,000... Audio