The Birds

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The Birds (from Buller's Birds)

The birds are broadcast on Morning Report, each day before the 7 am news.

The bird calls are available for download but are covered by strict copyright conditions. These conditions limit access to personal use only. It is a breach of these conditions for bird calls downloaded from this site to be distributed, broadcast publicly, or altered in any way.

The Birds are Tweeting

Today's bird is the South Georgian diving petrel.

More about birds on Radio NZ

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English to Māori key

  • Australasian bittern - matuku hūrepo
  • Australasian crested grebe - puteketeke
  • Australasian shoveler - kuruwhengi
  • Banded dotterel - tūturiwhatu
  • Bellbird - korimako
  • Black-backed gull - karoro
  • Black-fronted tern - tarapirohe
  • Black stilt - kāki
  • Blue duck - whio
  • Blue-wattled crow - kōkako
  • Brown teal - pāteke
  • Brown creeper - pipipi
  • Buller's mollymawk - toroa
  • Caspian tern - tarānui
  • Chaffinch - pahirini
  • Chatham Island oystercatcher - tōrea tai
  • Common diving petrel - kūaka
  • Dawn chorus - te ata kōrihi
  • Diving petrel - kūaka
  • Fantail - pīwakawaka
  • Fairy prion - tītī wainui
  • Fiordland crested penguin - tawaki
  • Fluttering shearwater - pakaha
  • Forest parrot - kākā
  • Gannet - takapu
  • Grey duck - pārera
  • Grey petrel - kuia
  • Grey teal - tētē moroiti
  • Grey warbler - riroriro
  • Harrier - kāhu
  • King shag - kawau
  • Little penguin - kororā
  • Little black shag - kawau tūi
  • Little shag - kawau paka
  • Long-tailed cuckoo - koekoea
  • Marsh crake - koitareke
  • Morepork - ruru
  • Mountain parrot - kea
  • Muttonbird - tītī
  • New Zealand dotterel - tūturiwhatu
  • New Zealand falcon - karearea
  • New Zealand shore plover - tuturuatu
  • Night parrot - kākāpō
  • Northern giant petrel - pāngurunguru
  • North Island robin - toutouwai
  • Oystercatcher (South Island pied) - tōrea
  • Oystercatcher (variable) tōrea pango
  • Paradise shellduck - pūtangitangi
  • Pied shag - karuhiruhi
  • Pied stilt - poaka
  • Red-billed gull - tarāpunga
  • Red-crowned parakeet - kākāriki
  • Reef heron - matuku moana
  • Rifleman - tītipounamu
  • Royal albatross - toroa
  • Royal spoonbill - kotuku ngutupapa
  • Sacred kingfisher - kōtare
  • Saddleback - tīeke
  • Spotted shag - kawau pateketeke
  • Shining cuckoo - pīpīwharauroa
  • Silvereye - tauhou
  • Skua - hākoakoa
  • Skylark - kaireka
  • South Island fernbird - matata
  • South Island robin - kakaruai
  • Spotless crake - pūweto
  • Stewart Island shag - kawau
  • Stitchbird - hihi
  • Parson bird - tui
  • Wandering albatross - toroa
  • Welcome swallow - warou
  • Woodhen - weka
  • Wood pigeon - kereru
  • Whitehead - popokatea
  • White-faced heron - matuku
  • White-faced storm petrel - takahikare-moana
  • White-flippered penguin - kororā
  • White-faced storm petrel - takahikare-moana
  • White-fronted tern - tara
  • White heron - kotuku
  • Wrybill - ngutuparore
  • Yellow-crowned parakeet - kākāriki
  • Yellow-eyed penguin - hōiho
  • Yellowhead - mohua

Photo credits

Adam Mark Lenny - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Alan Tennyson - used with permisson

Avenue - (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Andreas Trepte - (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Chris Paul - (CC BY 2.0)

Christopher Watson - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Colin Miskelly - used with permission

Craig McKenzie - used with permisson

Department of Conservation - used with permisson

Dick Daniels - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

digitaltrails - (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Dominic Sherony - (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Duncan Wright - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Forest and Kim Starr - (CC BY 3.0)

Geoff Gallice - (CC BY 2.0)

Glen Fergus - (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Hans Hillewaert - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Hullwarren - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Ian Kirk - (CC BY 2.0)

Jason Girvan - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Jason Searle - (CC BY-SA 2.0)

JJ Harrison - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Jörg Hempel - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Jum Scarff - (CC BY 2.0)

Keith Lightbody - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Lance Andrews - (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Lars Karlsson - (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Liam Quinn - (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Mark Jobling - public domain

Mark Medcalf - (CC BY 2.0)

Menno Huibers - used with permission

Michael Hamilton (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Michael L Baird - (CC BY 2.0)

Neil Fitzgerald - used with permission

Niels Huibers - used with permission

Peter Southwood - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Peter Trimming - (CC BY 2.0)

Roger South - (CC BY 2.0)

Samuel Blanc - (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Sid Mosdell - (CC BY 2.0)

SurreyJohn - (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Tony Wills - (CC BY-SA 3.0)