Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Relationships Photo: Maui Studios
If you're wanting to pop the question or simply break up with someone, try throwing these phrases your significant other's way when they least expect it.
Ipo - bae
He aha to nama waea kōrero - What’s your phone number?
Kei te patua au e te aroha - I’m falling in love.
Kei te aroha au i a koe - I love you.
Marena mai koe ki a au? - Will you marry me?
Kei te taera au - I’m feeling horny.
Kei te taera koa? - Are you feeling horny?
He ārai waitātea ōu? - Got any condoms.
Kei te hapu au e te tau - Honey, i’m pregnant.
Kua tūtaki au i tētahi atu - I’ve met someone else.
Ko taku hiahia ko te wehenga ma/rena - I want a divorce.