The eastern Melanesian island group of Fiji was brought into the British Empire in 1874 when Paramount Chief Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau, known as Tui Viti (King of Fiji), signed a Deed of Cession to Queen Victoria.

Troubled by challenges from fellow chiefs and Tongan leader Ma'afu and by lawless settlers, Cakobau looked to Britain for peace and stability. He wrote

"…it is our mind to give the government of our kingdom to the Lady Queen of Great Britain… we trust in her goodness; we give ourselves this day to her"

Despite a measles epidemic in 1875, which killed about a quarter of the population and produced famine and riots, Cakobau's hopes were gradually realised. British annexation of Fiji resulted in cannibalism being renounced, settler behaviour checked, and Fijian rights to communally owned land (some 83% of the national total) confirmed.

The colony's first Governor, Sir Arthur Gordon, was unpopular with many Europeans but admired by Fijians, of whom he wrote

"if separated from their land the race will die out and that would be a violation of the express conditions on which alone we took possession". 

He also believed the best way to govern was through the chiefly 'Ratus' – aristocratic leaders of the hierarchical social system imported long ago from Fiji's Polynesian neighbours. In 1876 the Great Council of Chiefs was created to advise the Governor.

Living in Fiji in 1874 were several thousand indigenous Fijians, a scattering of European and American settlers, traders and missionaries and a few thousand labourers from other Pacific islands, most imported by slave-trading 'blackbirders'. To restrict this traffic, Gordon planned to recruit and ship labourers from India – a common imperial policy which resulted in large Indian populations in Mauritius, South Africa, West Indies and Fiji.

Arrival of workers from India

In 1879 the first 481 arrived and over the next 37 years, 44,000 men and 18,000 women, most from India's rural areas, were brought to Fiji under indenture. After five years of work at agreed pay rates they were entitled to free passage home, but two thirds chose to stay.

In 1880 the Australian Colonial Sugar Refining Company (CSR) bought land and sugar mills and soon controlled a valuable industry built around the cane grown mostly on 10 acre blocks leased by Indian farmers whose interests were represented through their Kisan Sangh union. As numbers grew, Indians branched out into other agriculture, transport, shopkeeping and small business.

Women and children in Fiji

By 1963, 205,000 of Fiji's inhabitants were Indian. The fact that they would soon outnumber Fijians was said by Sir Alan Burns to cause  a "general Fijian fear of domination by sheer weight of numbers" and particular anxiety that political change might remove Fijian rights to land ownership which had so far been guaranteed by the Native Land Trust Board. These concerns remained, despite assurances from Indian leaders that their people did not want to own land and were satisfied with the leading part they now played in the country's economy.

Separate administration

Until the 1953 introduction of a Legislative Council including some elected members, Fiji was ruled by a British Governor and a Civil Service staffed largely by expatriate District Officers and technical specialists. Alongside this was the Fijian administration. Directed by the Council of Chiefs, its duty was to "ensure continuance of the Fijian communal system…customs and observances….subject to such modifications as may appear desirable". The value of this separate administration was much debated.

An influential Chief who contributed much to this debate was Ratu Mara's great-uncle, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna (1888–1958). Wounded and decorated with the Croix de Guerre while serving with the French Foreign Legion in World War One, he studied law at Oxford University then came home to serve as Secretary for Fijian Affairs.

Military tradition

The British saw Ratu Sukuna as a fine exemplar of military prowess and loyalty to Crown and country - attributes which made Fijians very good soldiers. There was little recruitment for World War One, but in World War Two's Pacific campaigns Fijian soldiers, led by officers including Ratu George and Ratu Edward Cakobau, were awarded several medals including a Victoria Cross. 11,000 men, predominantly Fijian, served under arms between 1939 and 1945. In the 1950s another Fijian battalion fought in the Malayan Emergency.

From then on, Fiji's army gained an international peacetime reputation for its music, parades and professionalism.

Queen's birthday parade rehearsal
Queen's Birthday parade rehearsal, 1987

Many units served with the United Nations and the British Army recruited hundreds of Fijian men, whose remittances supported families at home. Fiji became the only Pacific Island country with a strong military tradition and a standing, revenue-earning army – factors which would have a profound influence on the nation after independence.

Preparation for independence

By 1964, main government responsibilities had been passed to three Fiji resident Executive Council members, J.G.Falvey, of European stock, Indian AD Patel and Fijian Ratu Kamisese Mara, who was also Leader of Government Business and, it was generally acknowledged, the man who would lead negotiations about self government and almost certainly become Fiji's first Prime Minister.

Significant Events Since Independence

1972  General Election won by Alliance led by Ratu Mara.

1977  General Election won by National Federation Party; Alliance reinstated after NFP leader fails to command majority of MPs.

1982  General Election won by Alliance led by Ratu Mara.

1987  General Election won by Fiji Labour Party led by Timoci Bavadra.  Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka seizes control in two military coups and declares Fiji a republic with former Governor-General Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau as president and Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara acting Prime Minister.

1992  Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara appointed President.  General Election won by Fijian Political Party led by Sitiveni Rabuka.

1993  Death of Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau.

1999  General Election won by Fiji Labour Party led by Mahendra Chaudhry

2000  Bankrupt businessman George Speight seizes control, takes PM and Cabinet hostage, declares himself Acting Premier. Ratu Josefa Iloilo appointed President by Great Council of Chiefs.

2001  General Election won by SDL Party led by Laisenia Qarase.

2004  Death of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara.

2006  Commodore Voreque Bainimara seizes control, declares himself interim Premier, sacks Great Council of Chiefs.

2008  Bainimarama appoints himself Chairman of Great Council of Chiefs; postpones election scheduled for 2009.

2009  President Iloilo sacks all judges, establishes "new legal order" and sets 2014 deadline for election.

President Iloilo retires. Ratu Epeli Nailatikau sworn in as President.

2011  Lt. Col. Uluilakeba Mara is charged with sedition; escapes to Tonga; accuses Bainimarama and regime of torture and failure to advance promised reforms.