Avocado, Mango and Vanilla Gelato

3:10 pm on 30 November 2012

(Serves 6-8)

Avocado, Mango and Vanilla Gelato

Photo: Nadia Lim


  • flesh of 2 firm, ripe avocadoes, diced
  • flesh of 2large ripe sweet mangoes (I used Australian mangoes), diced
  • seeds of 1 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon vanilla paste or extract
  • 3 tablespoons icing sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons coconut cream
  • juice of 1 lime
  • store-bought passionfruit syrup, to serve


Freeze avocado and mango pieces on a tray or in a dish lined with baking paper for 8 hours or overnight, until frozen hard.

Remove from freezer and thaw for 10 minutes before adding to a food processor with vanilla, icing sugar, coconut cream and lime juice. Blitz until smooth. Serve immediately or scoop into a container and return to freezer until it is the right firmness and ready to serve. Serve drizzled with passionfruit syrup.