Bamboozle-ized Beef Stroganoff

3:10 pm on 4 July 2014


  • 2 tbsp rice bran oil
  • 600g fillet, cut into thin slithers
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 1 tbsp grated, peeled ginger
  • 2-3 kaffe lime leaves, sliced thinly
  • 1 cup pre-soaked, sliced dried Chinese mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp black beans
  • ½ red chill (more or less to taste)
  • ½ Shao Xing wine (Chinese cooking wine) or substitute with sherry
  • 2 cups coconut cream
  • 1 lime zest
  • fish sauce to season
  • Garnish: Lime chilli salsa (1 chopped fresh lime mixed with chopped coriander, chopped chilli, sesame oil and seeds and a splash of fish sauce to taste)


In a large pan, heat the oil until it begins to smoke a little. Add the beef in small amounts and quick sauté the place in a sieve to drain. Keep repeating this until all the beef is draining in the sieve.

In the same hot pan, add the garlic, ginger, Kaffe lime leaves, mushrooms, black beans and chill. Quickly sauté together ensuring the garlic and onions do not colour.

Deglaze the pan with the Shao Xing and simmer until it reduces by half.

Add the coconut cream and continue to simmer until the sauce becomes thick and creamy.

Add the beef and lime zest and correct the seasoning with a little fish sauce.

Do not simmer too long as the beef will go tough.

Serve garnished with the lime salsa.

Serves Four.