Ceviche of fresh fish with coconut cream

11:30 am on 8 December 2014

This is lovely made with lime juice but they are oh so expensive. Serves 4 to accompany drinks or as a first course served on large iceberg lettuce leaves, which provide plenty of crunch!


  • 500g fillets freshest fish, skinned and boned
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 tsps salt
  • 1 red onion, very finely chopped
  • 1 can coconut cream
  • plenty of freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ cup chopped parsley or coriander (whichever you prefer)


Cut the fish into small pieces and place in a bowl. Tip the lemon juice over to cover. Add the salt and leave to stand for at least one hour.

Drain the juice off, and add the onion and coconut cream to the marinated fish, with plenty of freshly ground pepper.

Finally scatter over the parsley or coriander and gently toss everything together.

Leave to absorb the flavours for at least 30 minutes before serving with wholemeal bread, cut very thin.