Chana Chaat (Indian Chickpea Salad)

3:10 pm on 29 March 2019

By Sammy Akuthota from Satya Chai Lounge on Auckland's K Road

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Photo: Supplied/Sammy Akuthota


  •     1 can chickpeas drained
  •     1 chopped capsicum ( green pepper)
  •     1 chopped green chilli
  •     1 chopped tomato
  •     1 chopped red onion
  •     4 teaspoon grated carrot  
  •     2 tablespoon lime juice
  •     1/2  teaspoon spice black pepper
  •     1 teaspoon dark roasted cumin powder
  •     1/2 teaspoon black salt
  •     1 teaspoon chaat masala
  •     1 handful chopped coriander leaves  
  •     salt to taste


One can chickpeas washed and drained - heat in microwave or pan until steaming hot.

Finely chop the capsicum, tomato, onions and green chilli. Transfer to a large bowl.

Add the hot chickpeas, carrot, coriander leaves and mix well.

Add pepper powder, chaat masala powder, cumin powder, black salt, lime juice and mix again.

Serve hot.