Cherries in Caramel Brandy Syrup

12:22 am on 25 November 2008


  • 500 grams cherries
  • 200 grams caster sugar
  • 150 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons brandy


Pit the cherries and place in a heat proof bowl.

Put the sugar and water in a heavy based saucepan. Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved. Increase the heat and boil, without stirring, until it turns a dark golden colour.

Remove from the heat and carefully add the brandy. Take care as the hot caramel will spit vigorously.

Place back over the heat and stir until smooth then pour over the cherries.

Allow to cool then store in a sealed glass jar in the fridge where they will keep for several weeks.

Serve over vanilla bean ice cream with a crisp biscuit on the side.

Serves 6.

John Hawkesby’s wine suggestion  

La Strada 2008
Askerne 2008