Clonbrock Breakfast Griddle Cakes

12:50 pm on 9 July 2007

In Ireland recently I ate superb locally produced food – cheese, smoked seafood, game and home baking, among other things. 

Rhubarb featured on just about every table at the country homes I stayed in and on most of the restaurant menus. The griddle cakes are so delicious and fortunately very easy to make.

George and Susie Gossip own Ballinderry Park, a beautiful Georgian country house not far from Galway. These griddle cakes are an old family recipe acquired in the 1830’s from the Aaron Islands. They make perfect winter breakfast food.


  • 225 grams wholemeal flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons (45 grams) butter
  • buttermilk


Rub the butter into the flour and salt. Add enough buttermilk to form a soft dough, similar in consistency to a scone dough.

Roll the dough out on a floured bench 1.5 to 2 cm thick and cut into squares or triangles. 

Heat a heavy frying pan or the flat side of a griddle to a medium heat. Grease with a little butter and gently fry the griddle cakes until cooked through and nicely golden on both sides.

Serve hot with butter and jam.