Crunchy Sprinkle

11:30 am on 23 December 2013

(Makes 40g)

Serve with Potatoes and Honey Mustard Dressing


  • 8g (1 tbsp) quinoa
  • 125ml (1/2 cup) water
  • 7g (1 tbsp) sesame seeds      
  • 9g (1 tbsp) pine nuts
  • 14g (2 tbsp) sunflower seeds


Preheat oven to 150°C.

Into a small bowl place quinoa and water and leave to soak for 8 hours or overnight.  Drain well and tip seeds onto a paper-towel lined tray to remove excess water.

Transfer quinoa to a low-sided roasting tray and place into oven for 5 minutes or until quinoa is light golden brown and starting to pop.  Place quinoa into a small bowl.

Place sesame seeds onto a low-sided tray, place into preheated oven and toast for 4-5 minutes or until puffed up and crispy.  Place into a small bowl with quinoa.  Repeat the same process for the pine nuts and sunflower seeds, roasting these for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown and fully dried.

Add seeds to bowl with sesame seeds and toss to combine.

Serve warm or cold.

Store in a covered airtight container for up to one month.