Dark Little Chocolate Cakes

11:30 am on 9 May 2011


  • 250g dark chocolate, melted over a double boiler
  • 185g butter, diced
  • 6 egg yolks, with 150g caster sugar
  • 6 egg whites, with 150g caster sugar
  • 60g plain flour, sieved
  • 100ml cream, whipped
  • Icing sugar, sifted


Butter and sugar inside of ramekins or pudding moulds and preheat a 165°C oven.

Whisk in the butter with the melted chocolate and let it cool for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, whisk the yolks with the sugar until light and creamy.

Fold in the flour. Fold the chocolate into the egg mixture.

Whip the egg whites to a soft peak stage, and add in the caster sugar and continue to whip until firm, thick and glossy and the sugar has dissolved.

Spoon the mixture three quarters full into the moulds.

Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Allow to cool in the moulds on a wire rack for 3 minutes before turning out.

Serve with coffee custard, soft whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

NB: The coffee custard can be made using custard powder with a little coffee syrup added made from either espresso or instant. The custard we use is a crème anglaise.