Dry Roasted Monkfish With Poached Shellfish In Chicken Lemongrass

3:10 pm on 1 October 2010

(Serves 2)


  • 260 grams monkfish
  • 2 tsp flaky salt
  • 240 mls chicken stock
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves, crushed
  • ½ lemongrass, inner white part only, finely slivered
  • Enough shellfish and other seafood for 2 people ( a combo such as prawns, cockles, oysters, scallops and baby octopus)
  • Dash of fish sauce
  • Baby watercress leaves to garnish


Preheat oven to 160C

Roll monkfish in salt, place on baking paper and season lightly with salt and a little pepper. Bake in oven until creamy or juices start flowing from fish. Turn off the heat and leave to sit for a couple of minutes, checking fish is slightly undercooked.

In a saucepan heat stock, kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass until piping hot. Add shellfish and poach for 1 minute. Place fish into shallow soup dish and place shell fish around fish. Pour the piping hot stock into the bowl. Remove lime leaves.

Add fish sauce, stir gently and garnish with watercress.

Serve with a mash of agria potaoes and celeriac or kumara mash on the side.

Easy peasy!