Durian Panna Cotta

3:10 pm on 5 July 2013


  • 250-300g durian, cut into small pieces (this can be purchased frozen from most Asian warehouses. The grade to seek is ‘D24’)
  • 250ml full cream milk
  • 250ml fresh cream
  • 110g caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod, split lengthwise
  • Zest of 2 limes
  • 31/2  leaves of gelatine, soaked in cold water (during the cream boiling process, about 3 – 4 minutes)
  • 100ml passionfruit coulis


Place the durian, milk, sugar and vanilla pod into a saucepan and gently simmer for about 5 minutes.

Place the cream mixture through a fine sieve, squeezing out as much durian flavour through the sieve and into the cream as possible.

Add the lime zest and the gelatine (squeezed free of any excess water) to the warm cream and stir well.

Pour into moulds (perhaps coffee cups) and place in the fridge to set (approx 3 – 4 hours)

Once set, de-mould the panna cotta on to service plates. Arrange a good dollop of hokey pokey mascarpone cream on top and drizzle with passionfruit coulis.