Feijoa and Banana Crumble

4:48 am on 28 March 2009

Serves 6


150g standard white flour
115g butter, softened and cut into small pieces
3 tablespoon soft brown sugar
3 tablespoons ground almonds
2 large cooking apples
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 feijoas
2 ripe but firm bananas
custard, ice cream or cream, for serving


1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Drop the butter cubes into the flour and use two knives to cut it through the flour until the pieces of butter are like small marbles. Use your fingertips to rub it through until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Blend in the sugar and almonds.

2. Peel, core and slice the apples thinly. Put in a bowl and blend through the caster sugar and  lemon juice. Peel the feijoas and slice coarsely. Add to the apples. Slice the bananas thinly and add to the fruit. Mix gently together. Tip the fruit into a buttered, shallow ovenproof dish (about 20 cm diameter). Sprinkle over the crumble and pat down gently with the fingers.

3. Bake for about 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C, or until the apple is tender and the crumble topping well browned. Serve hottish or at room temperature, with custard, ice cream or cream.