Fresh Apricot Trifle

12:24 am on 19 December 2009

Time to prep 15 minutes plus time to cool
Time to cook 20 minutes
Serves 6

There's always someone who grizzles about the fact that there is not enough booze in the trifle and someone else who says there's too much! Making individual trifles solves that problem, as you can tailor them to people's taste. This recipe is alcohol-free but if you want to give it an alcoholic lift add a little brandy to the apricot syrup.


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 600ml water
  • 10-12 firm-but-just-ripe apricots, halved and stones removed
  • 150ml cream
  • 100g trifle sponge, or light egg sponge cake, cubed
  • 100ml ready-made crème anglaise
  • toasted nuts, optional


1. Put the sugar and water in a large frying pan over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir once or twice: do not let the water boil until the sugar has melted or the syrup may crystallize later. When dissolved, boil for 2 minutes. Add apricots, cut side up. Let syrup boil up over the fruit to seal cut surfaces. Immediately lower heat to lowest setting and let fruit poach very gently for about 15 minutes or until tender. Spoon juices over fruit from time to time. Leave apricots to cool in the syrup. Drain cooled apricots, reserving syrup.

2. To assemble one large trifle or individual trifles, first whip cream lightly. Layer cubed sponge, apricots, cream and crème anglaise, using three-quarters of a cup of the reserved apricot syrup or ½ cup apricot syrup and 3 tablespoons of brandy for moistening the sponge as you go. Sprinkle nuts on top, if using. Serve immediately or cover with plastic food wrap and chill for up to 1 hour before serving.