Hasa Alwarhani's Syrian Hummus mdamas

11:20 am on 3 April 2018
Syrian hummus mdamas

Syrian hummus mdamas Photo: Damascus Restaurant, Wellington


• 1 cup dried chickpeas 

• 2 teaspoon baking soda 

• 1 1/2 cups Tahini  

• 1 teaspoon of salt 

• 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 

• paprika 

• fresh parsley 

• olive oil 


Place the chickpeas in a bowl with 2 teaspoon of the backing soda and cover with water and overnight then you will see the chickpeas will double the size.

The next day, drain the water and add new water, cover the pot and bring to the boil. Keep adding water if you need too, till you see the chickpeas start to split and completely tender then remove the pot from the element, drain the water and add ice water to the chickpeas till they are really cold.

Combine the chickpeas the tahina salt and cumin in to a food processor, puree the hummus for a few minutes and every time you see the hummus getting dry add some ice water till you see it's smooth and creamy then puree it some more.

To serve

Spread the hummus in a shallow bowl dust with paprika and top with parsley and olive oil.


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