Jonny Schwass's Low Oven Hogget Shoulder

3:10 pm on 31 May 2013

I think hogget has far more flavour and texture than lamb and is wonderful when roasted on the bone in a slow and low oven. The majority of lamb sold in this country is actually hogget.


  • 1 large (bone in) hogget shoulder
  • 1 garlic clove, cut in half
  • salt


Massage the garlic clove over the lamb to permeate the shin.

Rub the salt into the lamb and place in the oven at 75°C overnight.

The next day, turn the heat up to 160°C and allow the roast to colour.

Enjoy while hot, and even more the next day when sliced thinly between two thick slices of white bread, with a good acidic pickle that you have made earlier in the year.