Louise Cake

10:38 pm on 13 July 2007
Louise Cake

Photo: Funky Forty



  • 100g softened butter
  • half a cup sugar
  • 2 (large) egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 cup standard (plain) flour


  • half a cup of good-quality raspberry jam


  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • half a cup sugar
  • 3 quarters cup coconut shreds


Heat oven to 160°C (150 °C fan bake), with the rack just below the middle of the oven. Line the sides and bottom of a pan about 18x28cm with baking paper, allowing enough extra paper on the sides for lifting the cooked slice out, or spray a 23cm square loose-bottomed pan.

For base, put the softened butter and sugar in a food processor or large bowl. Separate two eggs, adding the yolks to this mixture (and put the whites in a very clean medium-sized bowl ready to use for the topping). Add the vanilla, mix the egg yolks through the softened butter and sugar, then add the two flours and mix again until evenly crumbly. Tip crumbly mixture into prepared pan and press down evenly. Bake for 15 minutes.

Make topping while base cooks. Beat the egg whites and vanilla until frothy, then add the sugar and beat until the tips of peaks turn over when the beater is lifted from them. Fold the coconut evenly through the meringue.

For filling, spread the jam over the hot, partly cooked shortcake.

Put the meringue in spoonfuls over jam, then spread evenly with a knife. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of extra coconut if you like. Bake for about 15 minutes or until the meringue feels crisp and is evenly and lightly coloured.

Cool completely before cutting into pieces of the desired size.

Serve with tea or coffee. Store preferably one layer deep in a cool place, with lid slightly ajar.