Making Fritters

7:00 am on 19 June 1903

Simple Fritter Batter Worthy of Trial Clam and Oyster Fritters.

Making FrittersThere are many recipes for the making of fritters. The very familiar fritter made with soda and cream of tartar is hardly worth description, it is so well known. It is of no possible value in connection with fruit fritters or any fancy fritters. It is only properly used alone and served with a white sirup for breakfast. The best batter for fruit fritters is made as follows:

Mix the yolks of 2 eggs with a tablespoonful of sweet oil, an even saltspoonful of salt and a tablespoonful of either lemon juice or brandy, according to the use to which the fritter may be put or as your taste may require.

After mixing these ingredients, add a cup of flour and little by little a gill of cold water. The batter may now be set aside, or the whites of 3 eggs beaten to a stiff froth may be stirred into it at once. If it seems too thick, add another white of egg. It must be just the proper consistency to coat the fruit thoroughly.

To make clam fritters chop fine 25 clams. Make the batter from the juice of the clams instead of cold water, making it a trifle stiffer, so that when the clams are added they will just drop from the spoon. An oyster fritter is best made of whole oysters dipped in the same batter, seasoned with a pinch of cayenne pepper and the lemon juice. Apple and peach fritters are quite often soaked in wine or brandy for an hour or two before they are clipped in the batter and fried.

Source: Papers Past from THE HOUSEHOLD: Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7576, 19 June 1903, Page 3