Maple Panna Cotta with Strawberry and Rhubarb Compote

10:48 pm on 30 April 2007

Serves 10 portions

Maple Panna Cotta


  • 750mls cream
  • 250mls milk
  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • 3½ leaves gelatine (bloomed)
  • (NB: 5 gms gelatine powder equals one gelatine leaf)


Mix all the ingredients, except the gelatine, in a saucepan and place over a medium heat. Bring up to the boil and simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Take off the heat and whisk in the gelatine. Pass through a fine sieve and pour into the moulds. Place in the fridge to set over night.

Rhubarb & Strawberry Compote


  • 6 sticks rhubarb (peeled and diced)
  • 1 punnet strawberries (diced)
  • half cup castor sugar
  • half a lemon


Place the rhubarb and the sugar in a small pot, and place over low heat. Stirring occasionally cook for 7 to 8 minutes or until about half cooked then add the diced strawberries and cook for a further 2 minutes. Take off the heat and strain off the excess liquid. Let the compote cool then season just slightly with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Vanilla Tuile Mix


  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 cup castor sugar
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 180gms melted butter
  • half tsp vanilla essence


Whisk together the egg whites and sugar, add the flour and beat well. Then carefully add the melted butter folding it through. Add the vanilla essence at the end. Let the batter rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours before using, preferably overnight. To make the tuiles spread the mix very thinly over greaseproof paper on an oven tray. Place in the oven pre-heated to 180ºC. Check after 3 minutes. When the tuile batter is starting to golden up, remove from the oven and cut whatever shapes you require. Place back in the oven to get completely cooked and then remove and shape how you like. In this case, little cups to hold the strawberry and rhubarb compote.

Plating and Serving


  • Maple Panna Cotta
  • Strawberry & Rhubarb Compote
  • Tuile Cases
  • Mint Tips (optional)

To serve, dip the panna cotta moulds in a cup of hot water for 3-5 seconds. Next run a paring knife just around the top edge of the mould. Place upside down on the plate and remove and mould. Beside the panna cotta place the tuile case then fill with the strawberry and rhubarb compote. Garnish with a mint tip if you feel it needs it! Serve immediately.

Suggested wines to complement this recipe


  • Hardys NV
  • Waitaki Braids 2006
  • Ernst Loosen 2005


  • Nautilus Cuvee NV
  • Matariki Reserve Blanc de Blanc 2001

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  • Angelica
  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Borage
  • Dill
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Lemon balm
  • Lovage
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