Pan-fried skate wings with roasted capers and black olive pesto

12:32 am on 21 February 2009


  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 large skate wings
  • ¼ cup parsley, chopped
  • ½ cup baby capers, you mat use standard capers if that is all available
  • 2 tablespoons black olive pesto
  • 1 lemon juice and rind
  • sea salt
  • black pepper


Heat the oil and butter in a solid bottomed fry pan.

Add the skate to the hot oil and fry gently until golden brown, about 6 minutes each side.

Remove from the pan and retain in a warm place on their service plates.

Add the parsley, capers, pesto and lemon rind to the pan.Sauté gently for about 2 minutes stirring frequently.

Season with salt and pepper then finally squeeze the lemon juice on top. Arrange the caper mixture over the skate wings and serve immediately.

This dish is wonder with a Greek salad.