Paua Fritter Recipe

11:00 am on 5 October 2020


1    kg   paua
4    whole  eggs
1    tsp baking powder
4    whole/diced shallots
100    grams  coriander
100    grams  parsley

1    tsp   fish sauce
1    whole    lemon Juice
1    whole    lemon zest
1    whole    lime juice
1    whole    lime zest
1/2    cup    flour


        Preserved Lemon


A large mixing bowl, Mince paua,  add eggs, baking powder, shallots, coriander, parsley, garlic and fish sauce. Give it a good mix then add lemon juice, lime juice and zest from both. Add flour to bind.

In a pan with a dash of oil on a medium heat place a  tablespoon of the paua mixture. Cook for 2 minutes and flip the fritter over. This should be a nice golden colour, cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Place on a paper towel to test seasoning, adjust if necessary.

Coriander can be left out if you wish.

De-core the preserved lemons, dice the flesh and mix through aioli