Perfect Porridge

2:00 pm on 14 June 2018
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Photo: Rebecca Elliott


  • 100 g steel-cut oats
  • 700 ml milk
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 100 ml cream


Pour the milk into a heavy-based saucepan and bring almost to the boil.

Sprinkle over the oats and stir into the milk.

Reduce the heat to medium and stir frequently while bringing the porridge to a gentle boil.

Reduce the heat to low and allow the porridge to cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the porridge from going lumpy and sticking to the pot.

Add the brown sugar, salt and taste for flavour, adding more brown sugar if you fancy your porridge a little sweeter.

Serve immediately with cream for pouring (or dipping) into.