Prawn Roulade with Smoked Eel and Avocado

10:00 pm on 15 November 2004

(Serves 6)

Ingredients Crêpes

  • 1 C flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 300mls milk
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • 6 tsp olive oil

Ingredients Assembly

  • 12 tsp mayonnaise
  • 6 tsp wasabi caviar (tobiko)
  • 18 prawns, cooked and shelled
  • salt
  • cracked black pepper
  • 6 fillets smoked eel
  • 1 avocado, peeled and sliced
  • 1 small bunch of watercress (optional)

Method Crêpes

Combine the flour, eggs, olive oil, milk and melted butter. Mix well and allow to rest in the refrigerater for 2 hours.

Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a crêpe pan or non-stick fry pan until hot. Pour in enough mixture to cover the base of the pan. Allow to cook until the crêpe is frim enough to turn with a palette knife - the underside should be a light golden colour. Cook for a furter 20 seconds. Remove from the pan and check that the crêpe is cooked through.

Repeat until 6 crêpes have been produced. Set aside and prepare filling ingredients. The remaing crêpe mix will keep for 2 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Method Assembly

Lay the crêpes out on clean beach. Wiht a palette knife, smear 2 tsps of mayonnaise over each crêpe all the way to the edge. Now spread 1 tsp of wasabi caviar down the centre of each crêpe.

Lay 3 prawns on each crêpe, in a line a third in from the edge of the crêpe. Season with salt and cracked black pepper.

Thinly slice the smoked eel lengthways. Lay 1 sliced fillet next to the prawns on each crêpe. Lay 2 slices of avocado beside the prawns on each crêpe.

Lastly, lay the watercress, if using, on top, leaving the leaves hanging over the end. Roll tightly and cut into pieces.

Keep at room temperature until ready to serve.