Red Wine Poached Quince with Toasted Brioche and Maple Mascarpone

9:28 pm on 16 April 2007

Poached Quince

  • 3 whole quince
  • 600ml red wine
  • 600g sugar
  • 2 star anise
  • slice of fresh ginger
  • 1 orange zested
  • 1 quill cinnamon


Bring the liquids and spices to a simmer.
Add peeled and quartered quinces (take out core as would if eating an apple) Add quinces to liquid.
Turn to gentle simmer and cook until tender about 10 –15 minutes.
Let sit in poaching liquor until cool.

Toasted Brioche

  • 4 slices brioche about finger width
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 250 ml cream
  • 100ml milk
  • ¼ cup castor sugar


Whisk egg, milk, cream, cinnamon and sugar together until sugar dissolves.
Dip the slices of brioche in the mixture and drain off excess.
Caramelise in clarified butter until golden on both sides.
Flash in 180°C oven to heat brioche through.
Serve warm.

Maple Mascarpone

  • 150g mascarpone
  • 2tbs maple syrup


Mix the two ingredients together with a spoon or spatula gently until combined.

Assemble with brioche on bottom, poached quinces on top with a generous dollop of the maple mascarpone or just eat it.

Suggested wines to complement this recipe

Vin Santo from Tuscany (Clevedon based winery Vin Alto have started to make one - it is available from the vineyard online)

Schubert's 2006 Dolce (100% muller thurgau) a sweetly made Kir Royale (15-20ml creme de cassis - blackcurrant)

and sparkling wine - use Lindaeur sec for this one!!