Roast pumpkin with kale, feta and carrot
Kate Jay runs the instagram site @not_getting_wasted, where everything is made with items only from the reduced section of supermarkets. This delicious pumpkin dish works great as a veggie main with some toasted ciabatta or as a side dish.
Kate Jay's baked pumpkin with feta. Instagram: @not_getting_wasted Photo: Kate Jay @not_getting_wasted
1/4 pumpkin
2 red onions
1 large carrot
100g feta
1/2 bag of kale
1 cup of seeds (of your choice)
1 tbsp oil
salt and pepper to taste
1. Slice the pumpkin, red onions, carrot, place in a roasting tray and drizzle with oil, salt and pepper. Put these in the oven at 220 degrees for roughly 30 minutes.
2. Boil water and add the kale for two minutes, then remove from the hob and drain.
3. Chop the feta in to small cubes. Five minutes before the roasting veg are ready, sprinkle the seeds on top and return the tray to the oven.
4. Once the pumpkin is soft, remove the tray and scoop the pumpkin flesh from the skin. combine all ingredients together.