Salad of Seared Scallops and Black Pudding

12:44 am on 29 September 2007


  • 20 scallops (white meat only)
  • 180g black pudding
  • 100g mixed salad leaves
  • 1 tamarillo (100g)
  • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste
  • 4 thyme sprigs
  • 30 ml canola oil


Dry the scallops well by laying neatly on a paper towel and gently pressing another paper towel down on top. Refrigerate till needed.

Cut black pudding into 20 slices Remove thyme from stalks.

Peel and dice the tamarillo and mix with 30ml of olive oil and thyme leaves. Season.

Drizzle 10ml olive oil on the black pudding and place under a hot grill cook for 2 to 3 minutes until it starts to crisp a little. Keep warm.

Heat a heavy frying pan with the canola oil until smoking.

Season scallops then place one by one into the hot pan.

Cook for 20 -30 seconds, then turn over, starting with the first scallop in the pan.

Cook 20 seconds more, remove from pan, then keep warm.

Dress leaves with remaining olive oil and season.

Arrange 5 scallops and 5 pieces of black pudding around the plate.

Place some dressed leaves in the middle of the plates.

Spoon the tamarillo dressing over the scallops and black pudding, then serve.

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