Salmon cured with Tangelo and Lemoncello, Chive Yogurt & Sourdough Crumble

11:30 am on 11 March 2013


  • 400g salmon (pin bones removed)
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 tangelo
  • 1 nip lemoncello
  • 1T fine sea salt
  • 2T Mascavado or brown sugar
  • 2T  ½ / ½ Vietnamese mint & mint (finely chopped)
  • ½ avocado
  • 4T Greek yogurt
  • 1T chopped chives
  • 1T avocado oil

Sourdough Crumble

  • 150g sourdough bread crumbs
  • 70g grated parmesan
  • 50mls extra virgin olive oil


1  Lay salmon on a tray skin down & coat with Lemon-Z.

2 Sprinkle with salt & Mint, spread sugar over then the juice & zest of the lemon & Tangelo, lay skin up & apply pressure for 12 hours.

3 Mix the crumble ingredients & bake at 150 C, tossing occasionally, till lightly toasted.

4 Dice the avocado & season with lemon and salt

5 Mix yogurt & chives

To Serve

Slice the salmon as thin as possible & arrange on 4 plates, top with some tangelo segments, avocado dice, sourdough crumb & chopped chives then a spoon of chive, finish with avocado oil.