Seared Scallops with Ginger Puree

9:00 pm on 20 August 2005

(Serves 4)


  • 50 gms butter
  • 100 gms finely sliced fresh ginger
  • 500 gms peeled, cored and sliced green apples
  • olive oil
  • 20 fresh scallops
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • sesame oil
  • sea salt
  • chervil for garnish


Heat the butter in a heavy-based, non-corrosive pan. Add the ginger and apples. Stir, then cover and cook on the lowest available heat, stirring regularly. It is cooked when the ginger is tender - 30-35 minutes. Puree in a blender and pass through a fine sieve.

Heat a little olive oil in a frypan and sear the scallops for 20 seconds each side. Squeeze lemon juice over and a few drops of sesame oil and season with sea salt. Drain the scallops on kitchen paper and serve on the ginger puree, garnished with chervil.

This same ginger puree can be used as a base for a vinaigrette or as a sauce with any fish or even traditional pork roast. Keeps well in the freezer.