Spaghetti Aglio Olio

10:00 am on 22 June 2020
Ali Photo

Ali Photo Photo: ©Mark Hamilton Photography Ltd 2016


1.5 cups curly leaf parsley
9-10 cloves New Zealand garlic, peeled
2 dried red chillies
500g good-quality pasta
150ml extra virgin olive oil
100g finely grated Parmesan


Very finely chop parsley, garlic and dried chillies or use a food processor and blitz items together until fine. 
Cook spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet in heavily salted water.
Heat olive oil on a low heat and add parsley, chilli and garlic.
Add cooked spaghetti to oil mix.  Season to taste, mix well, add half of the parmesan and gently mix through.
Dish up and sprinkle the remaining parmesan over the top of the spaghetti.