Spicy salmon with yogurt, dill and cucumber

8:00 am on 6 December 2019

Serves 10 / Wine match - champagne or chardonnay 

Spicy Salmon with yogurt, dill and cucumber by Lauraine Jacobs

Spicy Salmon with yogurt, dill and cucumber by Lauraine Jacobs Photo: Liz Clarkson Photography 2019.


  • 1 side of salmon (about 1kg)
  • 4 tbsps dry spice mix (Wild Fennel's salmon spice or similar)
  • 2 limes, thinly sliced
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt
  • 1 cucumber, seeds removed and cut into very thin strips or grated 
  • ½ cup dill
  • Salt and pepper 
  • 1 extra lime for serving


Preheat the oven to 180°C.  

To prepare the salmon, remove the pin bones from the salmon. Place the salmon, skin side down in a large oven tray lined with baking paper. 

Rub the spice mix into the salmon flesh. 

Arrange the lime slices down the centre of the salmon. 

Put the salmon in the heated oven and bake until just cooked through and the surface is golden. This should take about 15-20 minutes, no longer.

While the salmon is cooking, mix the sauce by combining the yogurt, cucumber and dill. Add salt and black pepper to taste.

Remove the salmon from the oven, cool a little and transfer to on a serving platter. Garnish with the extra lime cut into wedges and serve with the yogurt, cucumber and dill sauce. 

Can be prepared ahead and served at room temperature.