Tomato Toast

7:00 am on 11 January 1919

Tomato ToastTake lb. of tomatoes, ½oz. of butter, 1 eschalot, 1 raw yolk of egg, 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, salt, black pepper, and buttered toast. Place the tomatoes for a minute or so into boiling water in order to facilitate the removal of the skins. Melt the margarine, butter, or dripping, whichever is to be used, in a saucepan, and fry in it the minced eschalots until a light brown. Next add the sliced tomatoes, seasoning, and stir frequently over a brisk fire for about 10 minutes. Should the tomatoes be very juicy, a few white crumbs may be added to thicken. Lastly, beat in the yolk of egg, taking the pan off the fire to prevent the former curdling. Serve the mixture on the toast, decorating each prettily with the parsley.

Source: Papers Past from The Kitchen: Observer, Volume XXXIX, Issue 19, 11 January 1919, Page 21