Navigation for 60 Years of the Royal New Zealand Ballet
Ballet in New Zealand
Historical and recent images of Ballet in New Zealand
From Celebrating 60 Years of the Royal New Zealand Ballet
Our thanks to Royal New Zealand Ballet, Victoria University Press, Alexander Turnbull Library and photographer Ross Brown for the kind use of some of the images in our photo gallery. Many of the images appear in the VUP publication The Royal New Zealand Ballet at 60 edited by Jennifer Shennan and Anne Rowse.
1926. Anna Pavlova. Ref: 1/2-089575-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1932. Bryan Ashbridge in costume. Crown Studios Ltd :Negatives and prints. Ref: 1/1-032407-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1934 Bryan Ashbridge with musical instrument. Crown Studios Ltd :Negatives and prints. Ref: 1/2-195126-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1935. Ballet dancers Bryan Ashbridge and Melva Doney (mermaid costume) during a performance. Crown Studios Ltd :Negatives and prints. Ref: 1/1-037947-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1954: Poul Gnatt and Julie Barker on sand dunes at Bethells Beach. Keith Woods Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library.
1956. Founder of NZ Ballet Poul Gnatt and company pianist Dorothea Franchi. Two of the old hands - D[orothea] & Poul. Franchi, Dorothea Anne, 1920-2003 : Papers. Ref: fMS-Papers-8340-02/01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1956. Dancer Jon Trimmer. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1956/1873-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1957. Rowena Jackson preparing for a ballet. Hill, Morris James, 1929-2002: Negatives of Wellington, and national events and personalities. Ref: 1/2-177267-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1957. Rowena Jackson and Bryan Ashbridge performing a ballet. Hill, Morris James, 1929-2002 :Negatives of Wellington, and national events and personalities. Ref: 1/2-177266-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959: Arrival of stars of the Royal Ballet, with Dame Margot Fonteyn with fur hat. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/0964-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959. Sara Neil performing a jete from Dream Visions. Royal New Zealand Ballet: Photographs. Ref: PAColl-8050-01-08. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959. Women queue for Ballet tickets at Opera House, Wellington. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/0856-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959. Unidentified guests at the premiere of the Royal Ballet Company's 1959 tour of New Zealand, with evening wear including fur stoles. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/1002-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959. Unidentified guest in front of flower arrangement at the premiere of the Royal Ballet Company's 1959 tour of New Zealand, with evening wear including gloves and Asian print dress. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/1003-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1959. Unidentified guests at the premiere of the Royal Ballet Company's 1959 tour of New Zealand, including fur stoles, corsage, and tuxedo suit. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/1010-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Royal New Zealand Ballet on the road in 1959. Image courtesy of Victoria University Press.
1960. Principal ballerina Sara Neil seated in a dressing room - Photograph taken by the Evening Post. Royal New Zealand Ballet :Photographs. Ref: PAColl-8050-01-14. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1961. New Zealand Ballet Company production of Les Sylphides taken by John Ashton. Alexander Turnbull Library Collections. Photograph of dress rehearsal for New Zealand Ballet Company production. Ashton, John Hammond, 1917-2010 :Negatives. Ref: 35mm-41440-6-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1961. NZ Ballet Company production of Les Sylphides, taken by John Ashton. Alexander Turnbull Library Collections. Photograph of New Zealand Ballet Company production. Ashton, John Hammond, 1917-2010 :Negatives. Ref: 35mm-41737-6-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Jon Trimmer in Giselle. Image courtesy of Royal New Zealand Ballet.
1963: Members of the New Zealand Ballet Company and their Comma van. Royal New Zealand Ballet :Photographs. Ref: PAColl-8050-02-66. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1964. Poster for New Zealand Ballet Company production of Petrouchka. Ashton, John Hammond, 1917-2010 :Negatives. Ref: 35mm-40508-20-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Jon Trimmer, Petrouchka. Image courtesy of Royal New Zealand Ballet.
Russell Kerr leads class, 1963. Image courtesy of Victoria University Press.
1965. Dorothea Franchi conducting her ballet Do-Whack-a-Do in 1965 with the NZBC Symphony Orchestra. Original performance of ballet suite with NZ Symphony Orchestra. Franchi, Dorothea Anne, 1920-2003 : Papers. Ref: fMS-Papers-8340-01/02. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
1965. Photograph of dress rehearsals for New Zealand Ballet Company production of "Prismatic variations". Ashton, John Hammond, 1917-2010 :Negatives. Ref: 1/2-200877-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Poul Gnatt building the ballet set in the backyard of his family home, Sandringham, Auckland. Photograph: Keith Woods.
Costume designer Kristian Fredrikson and Gray Veredon 1982. Image courtesy of Victoria University Press.
1970. Principal dancer Gerard Sibbritt in Green are the Islands. Ashton, John Hammond, 1917-2010 :Negatives. Ref: 35mm-45841-19-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Kerry-Anne Gilberd as the Black Swan in Swan Lake, 1985.This costume uses a remnant from a bolt of black lace found in New York. The rest of the bolt was used to make a dress for Greta Garbo.
Ou Lu as Siegfried in Swan Lake, 1996. Image courtesy of Victoria University Press.
Poster for Swan Lake, 1996.
Odette in Swan Lake RNZB, 2013. Photo: Ross Brown.
Radio New Zealand Ballet - Swan Lake 2013 Gillian Murphy as Odette. Photo: Ross Brown.
RNZB Swan Lake 2013 MacLean Hopper as Von Rothbart. Photo: Ross Brown.
Russell Kerr – artistic director 1962–1968. Image courtesy of Royal New Zealand Ballet.
Managing director RNZB, Amanda Skoog, Photo: Maarten Holl.
Gillian Murphy - Principal ballerina with American Ballet Theatre. In 2012 she became Principal Guest Artist with the Royal New Zealand Ballet.
Sir Jon Trimmer. Image courtesy of Royal New Zealand Ballet.
Artistic director, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Ethan Stiefel. Photo: Rosalie O'Connor.
RNZB 60th Birthday Portrait: Dancers in costumes from past productions, shot in the Poul Gnatt studio, Wellington, August 2012.
60th Anniversary curtain calls post-Swan Lake
Clarissa Dunn interviews Dave Bremner from the NZSO
Harry Haythorne talks to Clarissa Dunn.
Jon Trimmer talks to Clarissa Dunn
The Panel - Eric Languet, Jon Trimmer, Turid Revfeim, Anne Rowse, Russell Kerr, Harry Haythorne, Kerry-Anne Gilberd.
The Royal New Zealand Ballet at 60 edited by Jennifer Shennan and Anne Rowse.
Radio New Zealand Concert attends the book launch.
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.
Clarissa Dunn and Hannah Sassman go behind the scenes at the Royal New Zealand Ballet, in celebration of their 60th birthday.
Clarissa Dunn – Presenter/Producer
Hannah Sassman – Presenter/Producer
Jeremy Brick – Videographer