I Love You Darling Loretta by Lynne Robertson
A sex worker and her two friends exchange health and safety tips, discuss Kim Kardashian and dream of Paris while waiting on the street for clients.
Told by Carrie Green
Photo: Used with permission
Photo: Lynne Robertson
Murderous children, call centre workers who dream of Mars and sex workers with crooked teeth. Lynne Robertson is passionate about writing from the point of view of characters whose voices have been largely absent in New Zealand literature. Initially Lynne tried to ignore her characters, but they kept her awake until the early hours of the morning. Random strangers approach her and say she should write about them. “Yeah, sure thing chicken wing,” but she believes you are the best person to tell your own story.
Lynne has been published in Turbine magazine and is the recipient of a Project Scholarship from Victoria University. She is adapting her collection of short stories into a book. She is also developing an idea for a novel.
When Lynne is not writing she works, scrolls through social media and watches YouTube videos on obscure topics. She also drinks wine and snorkels around at local beaches, but not always at the same time. Lynne lives in Wellington and can be contacted on Facebook and Instagram.