Navigation for Stranger Things
Behind the Scenes
From Stranger Things
Behind the scenes with the production team of Stranger Things.
Aaron Murtagh as Chris
Abby Damen as Cassandra Twist
Adam Macaulay and Hugh Philip caught preparing the cubes
Adam Macaulay shows the first cube to writers Hannah Banks and Uther Dean
Allen Murrell as Emmett
Elle Wootten as Violet
Engineer Phil Benge looks on while director Adam Macaulay gives feedback to actors Elle Wootten and Nick Blake
Francesca Emms, Adam Macaulay, Hannah Banks and Uther Dean
Hayden Weal as Will
Hugh Philip as Joolz
Ian Harcourt as Simon The Undertaker
Jars of ash, socks of cubes, bags of mystery!
Jonny Potts as The Faceless Man
Kerina Deas as Janine Orwell
MO Dropper Hugh Philip gets instructions from Adam Macaulay
Nick Blake as Solace
Rebecca Gumbley as Libby Underwood
Sebastian Macaulay as Louis
Telling The Actors - Elle Wootten
Telling The Actors - Hayden Weal
Telling The Actors - Ian Harcourt
Telling The Actors - Jonny Potts
Telling The Actors - Rebecca and Luke Gumbley
Telling The Actors - Victoria Gillespie
Telling The Fringe - Brianne Kerr with Adam Macaulay
Victoria Gillespie as Meredith
Victoria Seymour as Angela
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