The composers class at the 1947 Cambridge Summer School of Music, Douglas Lilburn (left), David Farquhar (second from right), Larry Pruden (third from right), Edwin Carr (at rear in front of window). Photo: Frank Hoffmann. Alexander Turnbull Library, reference: PAColl-2547-16.
Legacies looks at what Douglas Lilburn has left behind. Sir William Southgate acknowledges that Douglas would have hated all the fuss of a documentary series being made about him. Jill Palmer talks about Douglas's vision for an archive of New Zealand music, the Lilburn collection held by the Alexander Turnbull Library, and the Lilburn Trust. Ross Harris and Jenny McLeod talk about Douglas's support for other composers.
Peter Walls describes Douglas Lilburn as a fighter for causes in music and the arts. Jack Body and Douglas discuss the notion of freedom, and talk about petitioning for the release of jailed composers overseas. Alistair Te Ariki Campbell and Ropata Erwin talk about Douglas's friendship and tremendous loyalty. Helen Young reflects on the influence Douglas had on Broadcasting. Jeannie Lilburn and Jill Palmer talk about Douglas being awarded the Order of New Zealand. John Thomson notes Douglas's friendship with Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Douglas himself gives a moving tribute to Vaughan Williams on his death in 1958.