There are sea-related hymns in this week’s programme of requests, including Eternal Father, strong to save (also known as ‘the Navy Hymn’) and Will your anchor hold in the storms of life.
Sea and sky Photo: Axel Kristinsson from Reykjavík, Iceland. Wikimedia Commons
Artist: Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, Dunedin
Words/Music: Anon adapted Thomas Olivers/Myer Lyon, Thomas Olivers
Recording: Ely 105
The God of Abraham praise,
who reigns enthroned above;
Ancient of Everlasting Days,
and God of Love;
Jehovah, great I AM!
by earth and heaven confessed;
We bow and bless the sacred name
forever blest.
There dwells the Lord our king,
The Lord our righteousness,
Triumphant over the world and sin,
The Prince of Peace.
On Zion’s sacred height
His kingdom he maintains
And glorious with his saints in light
Forever reigns.
The God who reigns on high
The great archangels sing,
And "Holy, holy, holy!" cry,
"Almighty King!
Who was and is the same.
And evermore shall be:
Jehovah, Father, Great I Am!
We worship thee!"
The whole triumphant host
Give thanks to God on high.
"Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!"
They ever cry.
Hail, Abraham’s God and mine!
I join the heavenly lays:
All might and majesty are thine
And endless praise!
Artist: Choir of Wells Cathedral, Malcolm Archer (dir), Rupert Gough (organ)
Words/Music: Bernadette Farrell
Recording: Hyperion 112105
O God, you search me and you know me
All my thoughts lie open to your gaze
When I walk or lie down you are before me:
Ever the maker and keeper of my days.
You know my resting and my rising
You discern my purpose from afar
And with love everlasting you besiege me:
In ev'ry moment of life or death, you are.
Before a word is on my tongue, Lord,
You have known its meaning through and through.
You are with me beyond my understanding:
God of my present, my past and future, too.
Although your Spirit is upon me,
Still I search for shelter from your light.
There is nowhere on earth I can escape you:
Even the darkness is radiant in your sight.
For you created me and shaped me,
Gave me life within my mother's womb.
For the wonder of who I am, I praise you:
Safe in your hands, all creation is made new.
Artist: session choir
Words/Music: George Robinson/James Mountain
Recording: History of the Hymnal
Loved with everlasting love,
led by grace that love to know,
Spirit breathing from above,
thou has taught me it is so.
O this full and perfect peace
O this transport all divine;
in a love which cannot cease,
I am his and he is mine,
in a love which cannot cease,
I am his and he is mine.
Heav'n above is softer blue,
earth around is sweeter green!
something lives in ev'ry hue
Christless eyes have never seen.
Birds with gladder songs o’erflow,
flow'rs with deeper beauties shine
since I know, as now I know,
I am his and he is mine,
since I know, as now I know,
I am his and he is mine.
Artist: Anonymous 4
Words/Music: S Fillmore Bennett/Joseph Webster
Recording: Harmonia Mundi HMU 907326
There's a land that is fairer than day,
and by faith we may see it afar;
for the Father waits over the way
to prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by,
we shall meet on that beautiful shore;
in the sweet by and by,
we shall meet on that beautiful shore.
We shall sing on that beautiful shore
the melodious songs of the blest,
and our spirits shall sorrow no more,
not a sigh for the blessing of rest.
To our bountiful Father above,
we will offer our tribute of praise
for the glorious gift of His love,
and the blessings that hallow our days.
Artist: Kenneth McKellar (tenor), Choir of Paisley Abbey
Words/Music: Reginald Heber/Isaac Woodbury
Recording: Decca 448683
By cool Siloam's shady rill
how sweet the lily grows!
How sweet the breath beneath the hill
of Sharon's dewy rose!
O thou, whose infant feet were found
within thy Father's shrine,
whose years, with changeless virtue crowned,
were all alike divine,
Dependent on thy bounteous breath
we seek thy grace alone,
through every stage of life, and death,
to keep us still thine own.
Artist: Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer (dir), Rupert Gough (organ)
Words/Music: Daniel Schutte
Recording: Hyperion 711210
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard My people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
My hand will save.
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear My light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if You lead me.
I will hold Your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have born my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them, They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak My word to them,
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them,
My hand will save
Finest bread I will provide,
Till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give My life to them,
Whom shall I send?
Artist: Choir of the Royal Naval College Chapel, Greenwich
Words/Music: William Whiting/John Dykes
Recording: Abbey 280826
Eternal father, strong to save,
Whose arm doth bind the restless wave,
Who bids the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to thee,
For those in peril on the sea.
O Saviour, whose almighty word
The wind and waves submissive heard,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep,
And calm amid its rage did sleep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
O Trinity of love and power,
Our brethren shield in danger's hour
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go:
And evermore shall rise to thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.
Artist: Choir of Ely Cathedral
Words/Music: Priscilla Owens/William Kirkpatrick
Recording: Priory 1999
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
when the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
steadfast and sure while the billows roll;
fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!
It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Saviour’s hand;
And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy the blast, through strength divine.
It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,
When the breakers have told the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
It will surely hold in the floods of death,
When the waters cold chill our latest breath;
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the veil.
When our eyes behold through the glaring light
the city of gold, the harbour bright?
winch the anchor fast by the heavenly shore,
where the storms are past for evermore.