The word 'bagatelle' suggests something trifling, of little importance, and musically it refers to a small piece, generally in a lighter style and with no prescribed form.
James Crabb Photo: Christoffer Askman
Dvořák wrote these 'Bagatelles' over the course of a few days in May of 1878, right on the heels of his Op 46 'Slavonic Dances'.
They are scored for two violins, cello and harmonium - a reed organ or pump organ - an instrument that Dvořák himself would sometimes play.
He wrote them for a cellist friend, who would organise small chamber concerts at his home and often have Dvořák over to play either viola or harmonium, as he (the friend) did not own a full-sized piano.
All of the Op 46 'Bagatelles' are very charming and represent some of the best pieces from the genre of 'house music' from the time.
Recorded in Nelson Centre of Musical Arts by RNZ
Sound engineer: Darryl Stack