Don Giovanni lives for one thing – women! He seduces compulsively and unrepentantly, while his long-suffering servant Leporello maintains the catalogue.
Richard Šveda (Don Giovanni) and Natasha Wilson (Zerlina) Photo: ex video stream, APO/JX Live
Donna Elvira ... Brigitta Kele
Donna Anna ... Ekaterina Siurina
Zerlina ... Natasha Wilson
Don Giovanni ... Richard Šveda
Leporello ... Robert Gleadow
Masetto ... Morgan Pearse
Don Ottavio ... Adam Frandsen
Commendatore ... Pelham Andrews
Freemasons NZ Opera Chorus,
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra
conducted by Giordano Bellincampi
The action in the first act:
We're in Spain.
We find Leporello waiting for his master, who's attempting to seduce the Commendatore's daughter, Donna Anna, in her home offstage. In fleeing the residence, Don Giovanni is confronted by and kills the Commendatore.
Donna Anna makes her betrothed, Don Ottavio, swear vengeance for the murder.
Next, Don Giovanni encounters Donna Elvira – an old flame he jilted, who hopes to win back his love. He leaves Leporello to list his extensive conquests to Elvira.
Don Giovanni's fancy is then caught by Zerlina – about to be wed to her peasant love Masetto. Giovanni romances her but Elvira intervenes.
Donna Anna and Don Ottavio arrive seeking Giovanni's assistance in hunting her father's killer. Donna Anna recognises Giovanni's voice as that of her assailant's as he leaves.
At a party he's throwing for the peasant newly-weds, Giovanni moves on the conflicted Zerlina again. But the disguised trio of Anna, Elvira and Ottavio respond to Zerlina's scream, unmask themselves and confront Giovanni. He pins the blame on Leporello and slips away.
Recorded by RNZ in Auckland Town Hall, 19 July 2019
Producer: Tim Dodd
Sound Engineer: Adrian Hollay
Video production by JXLive