Prophet Jeremiah Photo: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Though perhaps his name is not as well-known as Tallis, Byrd or Shepherd, Robert White (c.1538-1574) was considered to be one of the greatest composers of his generation and was successively appointed to Ely Cathedral, Chester Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey.
He and his family died of plague in 1574 when he was only 36 years of age.
A manuscript tribute found in Christ Church, Oxford dated from 1581 reads thus: "Maxima musarum nostrarum gloria White, Tu peris, actemum sed tua musa manet" ("Thou, O White, greatest glory of our muses, dost perish, but thy muse endureth for ever").
Recorded 29 August 2019 in Wellington Cathedral of St. Paul
Producer/ Sound engineer: David Houston