The Tudor Consort directed by Michael Stewart Photo: Jo Mohi, The Tudor Consort
Hodie Christus natus est!
Today is Christ born;
today the Angels sing,
the Archangels rejoice; saying:
Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia!
The Tudor Consort began with a traditional procession into Wellington’s Cathedral of St. Paul singing the ancient chant 'Hodie! Christus natus est!', opening a concert of Christmas anthems and motets.
Music Director Michael Stewart constructed the programme around Poulenc’s 'Four Motets for Christmas Time'.
Written in the middle of the twentieth century, each motet is set in a different scene from the nativity: In the manger surrounded by farm animals, in the fields with shepherds speaking to angels, the three magi rejoicing as they follow the star, and of course, the joy in heaven at Christ’s birth.
Each of these motets sets ancient latin texts that composers have used throughout the centuries. Paired with Poulenc’s modern settings, the concert featured settings by composers from Palestrina, de Lassus, Victoria and Sweelinck are also joined by modern composers including Berg, Distler, and Howells.
There was even an opportunity to for the audience sing along with the choir in some well-known carols.