25 Nov 2014

Ross HARRIS: The Floating Bride, the Crimson Village

From Resound, 7:04 pm on 25 November 2014

This selection of New Zealand songs setting eleven poems by NZ writer Vincent O'Sullivan, and inspired by the equally colourful paintings of Marc Chagall takes us to the beach, the moon, the milking shed and many places besides; it’s an ideal introduction to the work of some New Zealand poets, as well as New Zealand music.

Performed by Jenny Wollerman (soprano) and Emma Sayers (oiano), and recorded in the beautiful acoustic of the Hunter Council Chamber at Victoria University of Wellington, the music positively glows.

Jenny Wollerman (soprano) and Emma Sayers (piano)

1. A rooster is walking the bluest night
2. Tu es ma belle
3. The dancer
4. The ladder to the moon
5. The rabbi
6. Give me a green horse
7. As the night
8. You can talk
9. I know the road
10. Like a scarlet lake
11. Mon Dieu

The song cycle The Floating Bride, the Crimson Village was written by Ross Harris as part of his residency at the New Zealand School of Music in 2008. This colourful and intricate cycle is a setting of eleven poems by NZ writer Vincent O’Sullivan that are inspired by the equally colourful paintings of Marc Chagall.

Jenny Wollerman gave the premiere performance with pianist Piers Lane at the 2009 Adam Chamber Music Festival in Nelson, and Wollerman has also premiered the orchestrated version with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. (SOUNZ.org.nz)

Producer Michael Parsons

Engineer Graham Kennedy

Assistant Matt Thomson

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