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Tuesday 30 November


HARTMANN: Symphony No 1, Essay for a Requiem
Jard van Nes (mezzo), London Phil/Leon Botstein
Telarc CD 80528

7:30 Resound
New Zealand music from the RNZ archives (7 of 10)

Eve DE CASTRO-ROBINSON: Knife Apple Sheer Brush (2006)
Mette Leroy (fl) (rec.28/07/2007)

Eve DE CASTRO-ROBINSON: Undercurrents (1987)
Patrick Barry (cl) (rec.05/03/2004)

John ELMSLY: Sonata for alto saxophone and piano (1977)
Debbie Rawson (sax), Susan Melville (pno) (rec.25/09/1996)

Introduced by Kenneth Young (RNZ)

8:00 2010 ISCM Music Days from Sydney (4 of 11)
Ensemble Offspring present The World in Sydney

CROSSMAN: Not Broken Bruised Reed

STEENHUISEN: Copralite Culture

CHRSTENSEN: A Fall From the Perfect Ground

RYAN: Burn

HAY: Parts


(rec in the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, by ABC Classic FM)

9:50 Fearful Symmetries
A series of eleven documentaries celebrating each decade of the 20th Century and the first decade of the 21st Century. Roger Smith and a selection of New Zealand experts survey musical landmarks and innovative movements in the arts

(11) 2000-2010 The New Millennium

11:20 New Music Dreams

GRISEY: Vortex Temporum
Ensemble Risognanze/Tito Ceccherini
Stradivarius STR 33734